Penarth Beach Businesses | Busnesau Traeth Penarth
I visited Pickford’s owner Huw Pickford to hear about the issues affecting businesses on The Esplanade and around Penarth Beach.
We were able to discuss the really promising news that the Vale of Glamorgan Council recently agreed to allow businesses on The Esplanade to apply for use of the car parking spaces on the road for outdoor seating.
Over the summer months, the extra customers that businesses will be able to cater for with the additional seating will make a massive difference to both the businesses, and the area of Penarth Beach as a whole.
However it was concerning to hear from Huw that he, like many other businesses in Wales and particularly in hospitality, are struggling to recruit the staff they need to keep them going and cater for growing demand.
I will continue to raise this issue in parliament, as the impacts of the uncertainty caused by Brexit continue to bite businesses.
Ymwelais â pherchennog Pickford’s, Huw Pickford, i glywed am y materion sy’n effeithio ar fusnesau ar y promenâd ac o amgylch Traeth Penarth.
Fe wnaethom ni drafod y newyddion gwirioneddol addawol bod Cyngor Bro Morgannwg wedi cytuno’n ddiweddar i ganiatáu i fusnesau ar y promenâd wneud cais am ddefnyddio’r mannau parcio ceir ar y ffordd ar gyfer seddi yn yr awyr agored.
Dros fisoedd yr haf, bydd y cwsmeriaid ychwanegol y bydd y busnesau’n gallu darparu ar eu cyfer gyda’r seddi ychwanegol yn gwneud gwahaniaeth enfawr i’r busnesau, ac i ardal Traeth Penarth yn gyffredinol.
Fodd bynnag, roedd yn destun pryder clywed gan Huw ei fod ef, fel llawer o fusnesau eraill yng Nghymru ac yn enwedig ym maes lletygarwch, yn cael trafferth recriwtio’r staff sydd eu hangen arnyn nhw i ddal ati a darparu ar gyfer y galw cynyddol.
Byddaf yn parhau i godi’r mater hwn yn y senedd, wrth i effeithiau’r ansicrwydd a achosir gan Brexit barhau i effeithio busnesau.