Listening to local businesses | Gwrando ar fusnesau lleol
On a recent afternoon in Penarth I visited a range of businesses, along with the police and local councillors, to hear about various challenges and issues they are facing.
I also heard directly about the current experience of sub-postmasters in a meeting at our local town centre Post Office, and am taking up a number of concerns on their behalf.
Yn ystod prynhawn diweddar ym Mhenarth bûm yn ymweld ag amryw o fusnesau, ynghyd â'r heddlu a chynghorwyr lleol, i glywed am heriau a materion amrywiol y maent yn eu hwynebu.
Clywais yn uniongyrchol hefyd am brofiad presennol is-bostfeistri mewn cyfarfod yn Swyddfa’r Post yng nghanol y dref leol, ac rwy'n rhoi sylw i nifer o bryderon ar eu rhan.