Celebrating Doctor Who! | Dathlu Doctor Who!
I helped mark the 60th anniversary of Doctor Who – which has been made in Cardiff and filmed across the constituency since its regeneration in 2004/2005.
I pay tribute to BBC Cymru Wales and all who have made the last few years a very special time not only for fans - but for Cardiff South and Penarth, Wales as a whole, and our creative economy.
The impact of Doctor Who in Wales has been transformative, contributing approximately £134.6m in GVA to the Welsh economy between 2004 and 2021, of which more than £113.1m was in the Welsh creative industries. The Doctor has been a catalyst for investment in the South Wales creative cluster and its specialism in high-end television and drama production.
Here’s to another 60 years of adventures in space and time!
Bûm yn helpu i ddathlu 60 mlynedd ers i Doctor Who ddechrau – cyfres sy’n cael ei ffilmio yng Nghaerdydd ac ar draws yr etholaeth ers ei hail-lansio yn 2004/2005.
Rwy'n talu teyrnged i BBC Cymru Wales a phawb sydd wedi gwneud y blynyddoedd diwethaf yn gyfnod arbennig iawn nid yn unig i’r cefnogwyr - ond i Dde Caerdydd a Phenarth, Cymru gyfan, a'n heconomi greadigol.
Mae effaith Doctor Who yng Nghymru wedi creu newid, gan gyfrannu tua £134.6m mewn GYC i economi Cymru rhwng 2004 a 2021, gyda mwy na £113.1m ohono yn y diwydiannau creadigol yng Nghymru. Mae'r Doctor wedi bod yn gatalydd ar gyfer buddsoddi yng nghlwstwr creadigol De Cymru a'i arbenigedd mewn cynhyrchu rhaglen deledu a drama o safon uchel.
Ymlaen i’r 60 mlynedd nesaf o anturiaethau ar draws y gofod ac amser!