The Great Get Together - St. Paul’s Primary | Ysgol Gynradd St. Paul
I joined pupils, teachers, and parents from St. Paul’s Primary School at Grange Gardens for their Great Get Together picnic.
The Great Get Together is a national campaign by the Jo Cox Foundation, which encourages communities to come together in the spirit of Jo’s values - that we all have more in common than that which divides us.
Jo was a dear friend of mine, and so seeing her legacy at events like this fills me with pride in all that she has been able to inspire.
It was a great opportunity to chat to parents and families about local issues, as well as with other local stakeholders who had joined in for the occasion - and for the incredible food that was on offer!
Ymunais â disgyblion, athrawon a rhieni o Ysgol Gynradd St. Paul’s yng Ngerddi’r Grange am eu picnic Great Get Together.
Mae’r Great Get Together yn ymgyrch genedlaethol gan Sefydliad Jo Cox, sy’n annog cymunedau i ddod at ei gilydd yn ysbryd gwerthoedd Jo – bod gennym ni fwy yn gyffredin na’r hyn sy’n ein rhannu.
Roedd Jo yn ffrind annwyl i mi, ac felly mae gweld ei gwaddol mewn digwyddiadau fel hyn yn rhoi balchder i mi ym mhopeth y mae hi wedi gallu ei ysbrydoli.
Roedd yn gyfle gwych i sgwrsio â rhieni a theuluoedd am faterion lleol, yn ogystal â rhanddeiliaid lleol eraill a oedd wedi ymuno ar gyfer yr achlysur - ac am y bwyd anhygoel a oedd ar gael!