Fighting for fair pay with GMB | Brwydro dros gyflog teg gyda’r GMB


I met with trade union reps from the GMB trade union at Asda, to discuss the campaign they are currently working on to improve pay and conditions for Asda workers.

Since the takeover of Asda in 2020, there have been an increasing number of worrying reports about the treatment of staff - including negative treatment of staff who had been working with their trade union.

GMB have my full solidarity and support, and I’ll to all I can to help their work to get a fair deal for Asda workers.


Cefais gyfarfod â chynrychiolwyr undebau llafur o undeb llafur y GMB yn Asda, i drafod yr ymgyrch y maen nhw’n gweithio arni ar hyn o bryd i wella cyflogau ac amodau gweithwyr Asda.

Ers i Asda gael ei brynu yn 2020, mae mwy a mwy o adroddiadau sy’n peri pryder am y ffordd mae staff yn cael eu trin – gan gynnwys trin staff yn negyddol os ydyn nhw wedi bod yn gweithio gyda’u hundeb llafur.

Rwy’n cefnogi GMB i’r carn, a byddaf yn gwneud popeth o fewn fy ngallu i helpu eu gwaith i gael bargen deg i weithwyr Asda.


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