Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama | Coleg Brenhinol Cerdd a Drama Cymru


I visited the Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama, to take a look behind the scenes at the amazing courses and classes that the College delivers.

I observed everything from movement classes to fight choreography, and got to take a look at the amazing facilities - lecture halls, rehearsal spaces, and theatres - that give students such an amazing experience.

The college is in the Cathays ward, which will form part of my constituency with the boundary changes that are about to come into force.

We are so lucky to have this elite, world-renowned facility on or doorstep - which has an amazing cafe and workspace which is open to the public.


Fe es i Goleg Brenhinol Cerdd a Drama Cymru i gael cip y tu ôl i’r llenni ar y cyrsiau a’r dosbarthiadau anhygoel y mae’r Coleg yn eu darparu.

Gwelais bopeth o ddosbarthiadau symud i goreograffi ymladd, a chefais gipolwg ar y cyfleusterau anhygoel – neuaddau darlithio, mannau ymarfer a theatrau – sy'n rhoi profiad mor arbennig i fyfyrwyr.

Mae’r coleg yn ward Cathays, a fydd yn rhan o’m hetholaeth yn sgil y newidiadau i ffiniau sydd ar fin dod i rym.

Rydyn ni mor ffodus o gael y cyfleuster byd-enwog, eithriadol hwn ar garreg y drws – sy'n cynnwys caffi a man gwaith anhygoel sy'n agored i'r cyhoedd.


Cardiff’s Maltese community | Cymuned Malteg Caerdydd


A Green Flag Award for Rumney | Gwobr y Faner Werdd i Dredelerch