Celebrating Diwali | Dathlu Diwali

I had the pleasure of joining friends at SKLP Samaj in Grangetown as they celebrated Diwali. It is always a joy to be with them for the largest celebration in the Hindu calendar, celebrating the victory of good over evil and light over darkness.  


Pleser oedd ymuno â ffrindiau wrth iddynt ddathlu Diwali yn SKLP Samaj yn Grangetown. Mae hi’n wastad yn braf bod yn eu cwmni wrth iddynt ddathlu achlysur mwyaf y Calendr Hindŵaidd sy’n nodi buddugoliaeth daioni dros ddrygioni a golau dros y tywyllwch.  


Improving health and wellbeing | Gwella iechyd a llesiant


Meeting FOR Cardiff | Cyfarfod â FOR Cardiff